EA Akan Bunuh The Sims Social, SimCity Social dan Pet Society di Facebook

145729683 EA Akan Bunuh The Sims Social, SimCity Social dan Pet Society di Facebook

Halloo Bro and Sest semuanya.. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya bakalan ngasih berita kurang harum nih terutama yang sukak ngegem di facebook. Beberapa saat lalu EA games selaku perusahaan game besar di berbagai platform termasuk facebook mengumumkan kalau beberapa game di facebook akan ditutup seperti The Sims Social, SimCity Social dan Pet Society.

Rencananya penutupan ini akan di eksekusi pada 14 juni 2013, jadi buat boi & sest penggemar game-game tersebut mending segera dipuas-puasin deh mainnya sebelum tanggal itu.

Berikut adalah pengumuman resminya:

Today we are informing players of the difficult decision to retire some of our Facebook games: The Sims Social, SimCity Social and Pet Society.

After millions of people initially logged in to play these games, the number of players and amount of activity has fallen off. For people who have seen other recent shutdowns of social games, perhaps this is not surprising.

EA will continue to deliver popular titles for Facebook, most notably games from PopCap, including Bejeweled Blitz, Solitaire Blitz and the recently-announced Plants vs. Zombies Adventures.

Tapi gapapa tenang aja, masih banyak yang bisa kamu maenin di facebook, seperti ganti foto profil, komen status sama like gambar. Jadi jangan sedih-sedih banget gitu lah..


Toni Setyobudi

Toni Setyobudi

Total posts created: 81
Sedikit Mirip Blogger, Penyampah Sosial Media, Sedikit bekerja kebanyakan mikir, Human Spinner.

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