Duh, Perusahaan dibelakang Moves di Beli Facebook

Moves Gabung Facebook
Moves Gabung Facebook

Moves App adalah salah satu Aplikasi Fitnes favorit kami. Saya suka fitur yang mana di Moves seperti auto check-in di Foursquare dan juga Tracking Otomatis Jalan kaki, Berlari, Bersepda, Berkendara dan banyak lagi.


Terkutip dari Re Code juga, ternyata Facebook Sat-set; Bat-bet™ dengan mengakuisisi perusahaan di belakang Moves App, ProtoGeo Oy. Dalam siaran Press nya berikut ini sudah dijelaskan tentang bergabungnya ProtoGeo  Oy ke keluarga Facebook di Press releasenya.

24 April 2014 – Today, we’re delighted to announce that Facebook has acquired our company and the Moves app. Since we launched Moves, we’ve been focused on running a simple and clean activity diary that millions of people have enjoyed using.

Now, we’re joining Facebook’s talented team to work on building and improving their products and services with a shared mission of supporting simple, efficient tools for more than a billion people.

For those of you that use the Moves app – the Moves experience will continue to operate as a standalone app, and there are no plans to change that or commingle data with Facebook.

Thank you for supporting us on this journey, and we’re looking forward to our future at Facebook!

Apakah dengan bergabungnya ke Facebook, ProtoGeo Oy akan segera menambahkan fitur Sosial di aplikasi Moves app nya? Bisa jadi demikian. Karena sampai rilis hari ini salah satu fitur yang belum ada di Moves App adalah social nya.

Storyline Moves App
Storyline Moves App
Nurudin Jauhari

Nurudin Jauhari

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