Ada yang sudah coba Install iOS 8 Beta? Kalau belum cobalah.. ini ada khabar Énaak dari Apple. Kalau hari ini tepatnya lupa jam berapa iOS 8 Beta 2 sudah siap diunduh.
Dan seperti biasa iOS 8 Beta ini spesial disediakan buat para Developer untuk test sana tes sini. Nah nah jadi kalau kalian ngeyel mau make iOS 8 Beta tapi bukan Developer sepertinya bisa.. Beli atau Registerkan UDID dari iDevice kamu agar bisa make Produk beta dari Apple ini.
Atau kalian bisa cari gebetan Developer iOS terus dekatin sampai deket sampai kamu bisa register UDID lah.. habis itu kamu bisa update dan ikutan mencoba iOS 8 Beta ini.

Kalau sudah nggak ada masalah kamu bisa putusin atau jauhin gebetan itu. Lha kalau kamu cowok? Yaa deketi lah itu Prohemer2 iOS yang ada akun Developer iOS dan caranya sama. Pokoknya yang kreatip lah.
Kembali ke iOS 8 Beta 2 yang di Seeded sama Apple ini, Apple banyak sekali memberikan pembaharuan dibandingkan yang rilis sebelumnya. Berikut ini beberapa catatan yang ada di iOS 8 Beta 2
Perlu diingat bagi kalian pemuja dan pengguna WhatsApp saya harapkan Jauhi iOS 8 Beta 2 ini. Karena Bugs masih ada dan Aplikasi kalian masih akan sering Force Close jadi nggak bisa énaak-énaak.
Download iOS 8 Beta 2
- iPad Air (Model A1474)
- iPad Air (Model A1475)
- iPad Air (Model A1476)
- iPad mini (Model A1489)
- iPad mini (Model A1490)
- iPad mini (Model A1491)
- iPad (4th generation Model A1458)
- iPad (4th generation Model A1459)
- iPad (4th generation Model A1460)
- iPad mini (Model A1432)
- iPad mini (Model A1454)
- iPad mini (Model A1455)
- iPad Wi-Fi (3rd generation)
- iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for ATT)
- iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for Verizon)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA)
- iPhone 5s (Model A1453, A1533)
- iPhone 5s (Model A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530)
- iPhone 5c (Model A1456, A1532)
- iPhone 5c (Model A1507, A1516, A1526, A1529)
- iPhone 5 (Model A1428)
- iPhone 5 (Model A1429)
- iPhone 4s
iPod touch:

Berikut ini List iDevice yang support iOS 8 nantinya. Perlu dicatat kalau iOS 8 beta 2 build numbernya adalah 12A4297e.
- iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S
- iPad Air, Retina iPad mini, iPad 4, iPad mini, iPad 3, iPad 2
- 5th generation iPod touch
Dan ini adalah Change Logs atau Catatan Perubahan yang ada di iOS 8 Beta 2
- App Store: you can now leave reviews and show Family Purchases. Also, Purchased items now sorted by purchase date rather than alphabetically.
- Camera/Photos: Camera puts photo thumbnails to correct photos. Photos puts up a splash page offering to enable iCloud Photos, replacing your existing Photo Stream settings. There’re also related new Last Synced and Pause options under Settings > iCloud > Photos.
- Messages: Camera and Voice buttons in Messages are no longer blue, the ability to mark all messages as read, new Raise to Listen option in Settings > Messages to let you “quickly listen and reply to incoming audio messages by raising the phone to your ear”.
- Notifications: a new per-app Allow Notifications switch inside Settings > Notifications allows you to disable all notifications for a given app with one switch instead of multiple toggles.
- Privacy: a new Home Data section in Settings > Privacy for apps that have requested access to home data via Apple’s new HomeKit platform.
- QuickType keyboard: Apple’s new soft-keyboard with predictive suggestions is now available on iPad, though not on the iPad 2. Note that you must have Auto-Correct turned on to use QuickType.
- Safari: a new feature called Quick Website Search, now blocks ads from automatically redirecting to the App Store without user content, pinch to tab view on the iPad.
- Settings: Brightness control under Wallpaper and Brightness now works as expected, the Settings app remembers previous position when swiping back, Battery Usage by App in General > Usage > Battery Usage has a new No Cell Coverage label denoting how much juice your iPhone used when no coverage was available.
- Various tidbits: Clock app remembers your last used tab; Handoff works between iOS 8 and Yosemite and is more functional though still not fully baked; AirDrop between iOS and Yosemite no longer requires having a Finder window open to receive a file; Apple’s Podcasts app comes preinstalled and can’t be deleted
Ingat Penulis sangat tidak sarankan untuk Install iOS 8 Beta 2 di perangkat utama kalian. Karena bisa jadi kalian akan banyak menemukan ketidak stabilan dan itu tidak baik bagi jantung anda.. sayangi jantung anda demi masa depan yang lebih baik